Illuminate Your Light + Your Weekly Creative Menu 🎨
Published: Sun, 06/25/23
Dear friends, In the northern hemisphere we e perienced Summer Solstice this week. During a mentoring meeting with students we were invited to bring…
Our general list for Expressive Arts Florida Institute news
Published: Sun, 06/25/23
Dear friends, In the northern hemisphere we e perienced Summer Solstice this week. During a mentoring meeting with students we were invited to bring…
Published: Sun, 06/18/23
Dear Creative One, We transformed our Zoom screen into a circle as we gathered for another Alumni Series workshop with Susan Paul Johnson to e plore…
Published: Wed, 06/14/23
Hello E pressive Arts Friends, As many of you know, IEATA (International E pressive Arts Therapy Association) is the professional organization that…
Published: Mon, 06/12/23
Hello E pressive Arts Friends, If you know me, you likely know that I love mandalas! I first met Susan Paul Johnson when she enrolled in our…
Published: Sun, 06/11/23
Dear Creative One,Our hearts and our Zoom screens were filled with love on Friday as Sunny Stewart kicked off our Alumni Workshop Series with Sacred…
Published: Sun, 06/04/23
Dear Creative One, We continue to feel grateful for the many ways that we connect with ourselves and others through our e pressive arts practice and…
Published: Thu, 06/01/23
Meet Terra Dyer Gill, a 2021 graduate of our Certificate Training Program. We are e cited to feature her as our monthly Alumni Spotlight! We think you…
Published: Sun, 05/28/23
Dear Creative Ones,Today we are particularly thankful for a couple of things. One is the global connection and community that is formed, held and…
Published: Sun, 05/21/23
Dear Creative Ones, We have been creating containers over here! Containers for learning, containers for dreams, containers for journeys, containers…
Published: Wed, 05/17/23
This evening is our monthly E pressive Arts Discovery, live online! The registration link wasn't working for a little while earlier today, but it is…