Explore and Deepen Your Relationship with Nature + Weekly Creative Menu
Published: Sun, 07/10/22
I am within all of life and all of life is within me. Your unique creativity is an offering to the world. Embrace its power. During our brief recess…
Our general list for Expressive Arts Florida Institute news
Published: Sun, 07/10/22
I am within all of life and all of life is within me. Your unique creativity is an offering to the world. Embrace its power. During our brief recess…
Published: Sun, 07/03/22
Hello Creative Family, We will be taking a break for the month of July to rest, reflect, recharge and do some visioning for the upcoming year. There…
Published: Sun, 06/26/22
Tomorrow, Kathleen Horne invites us to e plore our Emotions as a Landscape. If you are feeling the call to e plore your emotions deeper, just as they…
Published: Thu, 06/23/22
Join us! Connect with yourself and others through creative process. E pressive Arts Discovery Listen. Learn. Make Art. Witness. Discover. Join us this…
Published: Sun, 06/19/22
We are Honored to Welcome Mitchell Kossak, presenting Thursday as Part of Our Professional Development Series. He will guide us on a journey through…
Published: Sun, 06/12/22
Hello Creative Ones! We have two workshops happening this week and several more still coming this month. Have you been following Kathleen's Art as a…
Published: Sun, 06/05/22
Many of you e perienced Hector Aristizabal's keynote at the IEATA Conference. We are honored to welcome him as part of Our Professional Development…
Published: Sat, 06/04/22
Dear You are a valued member of the E pressive Arts Florida community, and we want to keep you updated on new developments as we recap and move…
Published: Sun, 05/29/22
“Join us for SoulCollage® Council Suit as we e plore the feminine energy that resides in the Mother Archetype and be a witness to how this Council…
Published: Sun, 05/22/22
Hello Creative Ones! Will you join us Thursday for our ne t Professional Development Workshop? We welcome back Markus G. Scott Ale ander Markus will…