Published: Sun, 08/28/22
SoulCollageĀ® is a powerful tool for e ploring liminal or threshold space, a place of transition, a state of unknowing, a time of waiting....If you've…
Published: Sun, 08/21/22
We welcome back Fiona Chang - one of our most beloved presenters - Monday August 29th. She will share and facilitate arts processes she uses with…
Published: Thu, 08/18/22
Think of a transformative encounter you have had, at any time in your life, with some aspect of the more-than-human, natural world. It could be an…
Published: Sun, 08/14/22
In the African Language of Kiswahili, Harambee means "Let's Pull Together." Since 2008 Harambee Arts has been using E pressive Arts in workshops and…
Published: Sun, 08/07/22
Hello All! We are glad to be back from our time away and look forward to what's ahead. If you are ready to begin your E pressive Arts Certificate…
Published: Fri, 08/05/22
You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. - Maya Angelou What are the qualities of your relationship with your creativity?How…
Published: Sun, 07/31/22
Hello Friends, After some much needed renewal and rest we are ready to arrive, fully present, to facilitate your creative journey. In addition to all…
Published: Mon, 07/25/22
Hello Friends. I had the opportunity recently to take a long beach walk at a very low tide. Later, at home, still touched by the magnificence and…
Published: Sun, 07/24/22
Hello Friends. I had the opportunity recently to take a long beach walk at a very low tide. Later, at home, still touched by the magnificence and…
Published: Sun, 07/17/22
We have designed a free, creative resource to assist you in moving through these e traordinary times: The Loving Witness Art Meditation. An audio…