Expressive Arts Florida Institute

Complimentary gift - Step In to Your Personal Expressive Arts Practice!

Connecting with Emotions

Published: Sun, 01/12/25

Updated: Sun, 01/12/25

An Inner Language of Image Dear Creative Friend, It can be a challenge to stay attuned to our emotions, let alone to describe them to someone else…

September Alumni Spotlight! Meet Cat Thomas!

Published: Fri, 09/01/23

Meet Cat Thomas a 2016 graduate of our Certificate Training Program. We are e cited to feature her as our monthly Alumni Spotlight! We think you will…

Mandalas and More....

Published: Tue, 02/25/20

Come e plore your intuitive self using visual art making, movement and rhythm and see what circles may reveal to you... Mandalas and Motifs with Susan…

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