Deborah Koff-Chapin Hosts an Evening of
Touch Drawing
For Expressive Arts Practitioners Who Want to Integrate
Touch Drawing into Their Work
Touch Drawing: Integrating It Into Your Expressive Arts Practice
with Deborah Koff-Chapin
Tuesday June 1
6-9pm EDT
on Zoom
A workshop for Expressive Arts students and professionals who are interested in facilitating Touch Drawing in your intermodal work. This Touch Drawing experience will be focused on deepening your personal experience of the process, while also learning the essential elements needed to apply Touch Drawing appropriately in the settings within which you work.
Participants Will:
- Learn important points to cover when introducing Touch Drawing to others
- Have direct experience of a range of approaches to Touch Drawing
- Understand the unique qualities of Touch Drawing and how they can integrate it with other modalities
Deborah Koff-Chapin, BFA Cooper Union, is an artist, vocalist, author, ceremonialist and facilitator. She has been developing the process of Touch Drawing since it came to her in revelatory play in 1974. Through her years of Touch Drawing, Deborah has tapped into a universal level of the human soul. She is creator of the best selling decks, SoulCards 1&2 and SoulTouch Coloring Journals. Her new
deck, Portals of Presence, is being released in spring 2021. Deborah is author of Drawing Out Your Soul and The Touch Drawing Facilitator Workbook. She has also offers Song Bath Sanctuaries live online.
Deborah is founding director of The Center for Touch Drawing and has convened the Annual Touch Drawing Gathering since 1997. She encourages the dissemination of Touch Drawing worldwide through workshops, media and online community. Deborah has presented in numerous
venues including Esalen, Omega Institute, California Institute of Integral Studies, The International Expressive Arts Therapy Association and the Expressive Therapies Summit.
Deborah has been an Interpretive Artist at many conferences including The Parliament of World Religions, the Conference on World Affairs, Dawn of Interspirituality, Findhorn’s New Story Summit, and Seeds of Compassion with the Dalai Lama.
Prerequisite: An introductory Touch Drawing workshop, familiarity with set-up and supplies
More Workshops, Retreats, and Opportunities for Creative Growth: Your Weekly Menu
All Online for Now...
Expressive Arts Discovery
A Virtual Expressive Arts Workshop
Wednesday May 26th
7pm -8:30pm EDT
Listen. Learn. Make Art. Share. Witness. Discover.
Emotional Landscape
Art as a Healing Practice Workshop
with Kathleen Horne
Deep Listening through the expressive arts
Friday May 28th
1-4 pm EDT
This Art as a Healing Practice workshop will allow you to ground and witness yourself, in the present, through a series of gentle and powerful expressive arts practices. In this workshop, you will be invited to look within and explore your current emotional state. This is a powerful and helpful way to connect with yourself in the present moment, and bring your compassionate mindful attention to your inner
experience. By considering our emotions as a landscape, we are invited to move from the literal to the imaginal and to engage with the complexity of the inner territory and discover its wisdom through image-making and writing.
The Entire Art as a Healing Practice Series
Available for Purchase at a Reduced Rate
Creative Community 2021:
A Deeper Exploration of Arts as a Healing Practice Themes
Creative Wisdom Live Online Training Retreat:
Expressive Arts and the Natural World
with Kathleen Horne, Tamara Knapp, and Victoria Domenichello-Anderson
Saturday June 5th 12pm -5pm EDT
In this retreat we will guide you through our five step process with a focus on our inner experience as a reflection of the cycles and rhythms of the natural world. Drawing on the wisdom and lessons of nature, your human experience will be illuminated through a nature based intermodal arts process.
Inspired by and adapted from Creative Wisdom: Introductory Online Training in Expressive Arts, this retreat is a natural next step to bring your learning into a live, interactive format.
Discover a Mindfulness Practice with SoulCollage®
with Diane Lampitt, M.Ed.
SoulCollage® Facilitator
Tuesday June 8th
1-4 pm EDT
Discover a Mindfulness Practice with SoulCollage® is a introduction to the contemplative and insightful process of self-discovery. It gently opens you to a new way of exploring your inner wisdom. It is a practice that leads to a greater ability to be present to yourself in the here and now. It is this mindfulness energy that connects you to the unique aspects of yourself while you deepen
connections with others – all while engaging your creativity! Using simple tools – scissors, glue, magazine images, and mat board – you create cards that are uniquely yours. This process honors your own time, pace, inner-language and spirituality.
Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts: The Felt Sense as a Doorway to Expression
with Laury Rappaport
Tuesday June 14
6-9pm EDT
Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) is a mindfulness and somatic based approach to the expressive arts developed by Dr. Laury Rappaport. This workshop provides an overview of the history, foundational principles, and main approaches of FOAT®— and teaches how the felt sense is a doorway to all of the expressive arts modalities and intermodal expression. The workshop includes a theoretical overview
along with experiential exercises to teach an introduction to Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) as an intermodal approach.
Listening to the Body
Art as a Healing Practice Workshop
with Kathleen Horne
Deep Listening through the expressive arts
Friday June 18th
1-4 pm EDT
Join Kathleen, and other creative seekers, on Zoom from wherever you are, to engage in the arts as a way to listen to the messages and wisdom of your body. Using gentle and powerful Art as a Healing Practice model, tune in to your somatic experience and receive the information your body is giving you. As your guide, I will offer you some creative invitations to encounter this
theme, and you can engage with it in your own way.
Your Storylines: Points in Racial Awareness
with Pat B. Allen and Rhonda Johnson
Wednesday July 14
6-9pm EDT
Transforming our racial awareness is an inside job. Using Open Studio Process (OSP) we will identify points in personal history that make up our racial understanding. We invite you to join us in an exploration of the strengths and vulnerabilities in our personal and collective stories.
Creative Self
Art as a Healing Practice Workshop
with Kathleen Horne
Deep Listening through the expressive arts
Friday July 16th
1-4 pm ED
What is your relationship to your creativity? How has it been shaped and developed over time? What is it asking of you now? Our creative birthright, when fully reclaimed, is an unparalleled resource and a source of joy and wellbeing.
Harambee Arts: Expressive Arts Projects in Keny and Nepal
with Gloria Simoneaux, Brandon Okoth, and Rina Pratik
Saturday August 7th
1-3:30pm EDT
This workshop will familiarize you with the Harambee Arts Expressive Arts methodology that focuses on a culturally sensitive, collaborative, and relational approach to working with different societies around the world. Rina Pratik from Nepal and Brandon Okoth from Kenya, both long time staff members of Harambee Arts, will lead exercises and be available to answer questions. Rina facilitates groups for young
girls who have been rescued from trafficking, HIV+ women and those who have experienced domestic violence. Brandon works with children who live in poverty in Kenya’s largest slum, Kibera. They will share their innate wisdom, lessons learned and how expressive arts has supported them to become empowered and courageous members of their community.
Person Centered Expressive Arts in Hong Kong
with Fiona Chang
Wednesday August 25th
6-8:30pm EDT
This Arts-based couple group model was empirically formulated in Hong Kong for couples with breast cancer challenges. Solo-duet-group activity design through expressive arts and person-centered facilitation were founded to be therapeutic in facilitating personal growth, couple relationship and group development.
Are you ready to get started on your Expressive Arts Training?
It's All Online for You Now
May 15th-22nd course
August 14th -21st course
"My training at EAFI has transformed my capacity to engage in mindful practice in my life and my work. As a social work professor, I have brought the expressive arts into my teaching and mentoring with students and our university community. Having participated in the intensive in-person training, I have found the
experience to be of the highest quality in both formats. I am genuinely appreciative of the faculty for their commitment to offering excellent programming in both venues."
-Dr. Heidi Heft LaPorte
Associate Professor, Barry University
Ellen Whiteside McDonnell School of Social Work
"Expressive Arts Florida offers the Gold Standard of expressive arts training programs. Their intensive certificate program was the best thing to happen to me when I was in the” in-between.” It gave me the reboot I needed to hone my skills as an expressive arts practitioner, revitalized my commitment to the work and brought me up to date with current best practices. The instructor’s professionalism,
expertise and well-balanced, teaching style afforded me a safe container in which to explore profound play. As a result I grew as a person and as a facilitator."
-Topaz Weis, REACE
OPEN STUDIO: Connect and Share Weekly
with Kathleen
First and Third Tuesdays
of the Month
May 4th and 18th
June 1st and 15th
1pm-4pm EDT
with Tamara /Victoria
Every Wednesday 10am-1pm EDT
Our gift to you
Telehealth and in-person
Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, REACE, NCC, MHC Intern
Expressive arts therapy is a multimodal, holistic approach to counseling. It acknowledges the complexity of human experience by facilitating the client in exploring all aspects of the self, by inquiring through the imagination and the body about subjective experience, and expanding the play space to allow for new possibilities and shifts in consciousness that lead to desired changes in one’s life. More
Through workshops, programs, certificate training, and therapy Expressive Arts Florida Institute empowers individuals, groups and communities by cultivating the creative wisdom inherent in all.
We look forward to seeing you!
Kathleen,Tamara, Victoria
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, MHC Intern, K-12 Art, REACE
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE