Since sending out my announcement last week for the upcoming
Art as a Healing Practice series, I have had conversations with a few of you.
Your feedback has led me to add another option, which I am excited to announce!
Creative Community 2021: Art as a Healing Practice
There are now 3 Art as a Healing Practice choices -
Is one of these right for you?
Are you interested in a deeper exploration and a supportive community?
I am gathering together a small group (up to 20) who want to dive more deeply into the Art as a Healing Practice themes. In addition to the nine workshops (live and recorded) this group will come together in a moderated sharing forum to witness images, writings, ideas, and questions, and to support one another.
I envision this as a group of creative seekers who will, with me, more thoroughly investigate each of the themes and build a supportive creative community over our 9 months together.
You will have the opportunity to share your images and writing for witnessing by me, and the group. I will post resources and additional discussion questions to deepen your engagement with the themes. We will provide community support for individual creative exploration.
This option is ideal for anyone who wants to make a personal commitment to a creative healing journey and to engage in a small, caring, guided community to support your practice.
Art as a Healing Practice is a model that can become part of your life, both personally and professionally.
EAFI elective credit can be earned
Art as a Healing Practice has transformed my life. So much healing and empowerment resulted from the practice. Kathleen's gentle voice during the meditation is always soothing and inviting. ~ Helen
By registering for the Creative Community option, you receive:
- Access to each of the nine, 3-hour, live workshops, offered monthly, and beginning in April
- Lifetime access to the workshop recordings
- An interactive sharing forum for each of the workshop themes, where you can witness one another's images and writings, and explore the content in a deeper way. Kathleen will moderate this forum, and it is limited to 20 people
- Creative support and community over a nine-month period
Each of the individual workshops includes:
- An introduction to the theme
- A nature-based practice
- A guided meditation
- Art-making time
- Writing prompts and writing time
- Small group witnessing and sharing
- Large group sharing
- Extracting a nugget of wisdom to take, as a practice, into your life
And sometimes:
- Poetry (individual and collaborative)
- Music
- Gentle movement invitations
No previous art-making experience is needed.
I really enjoyed the Art as a Healing Practice workshops. The guided meditations and creative exercises always led me to new discovers within myself. Kathleen is an insightful, gentle and compassionate instructor and the creative community, a safe space to explore whatever intuitive impulses were longing to
be discovered. I loved this series!
- Jenny Vainisi
The themes are:
- Where Am I Now?
- Emotional Landscape
- Listening to the Body
- My Creative Self New
- My Spiritual Journey New
- My Ecological Self New
- The Mandorla: Working with Polarity
- The Mandala: Centering and Integration
- Synthesis
I first became interested in Art As A Healing Practice to help with creative block. It not only helped my creative block, it changed my life and my creative process. It is a practice I truly believe in. - Karen
Have you taken Art as a Healing Practice before?
I have added 3 new workshops and themes to the series:
Creative Self, Spiritual Journey, Ecological Self,
as well as expanded the content of all the sessions.
There is new territory to explore in your inner landscape.
Would you like to experience the Full Series without the online community?
All nine workshops, live and recorded There is a one or two payment option.
Not ready for the whole series?
Register for one or more workshops.The first one is in April.
Consider each workshop a mini-retreat.
Kathleen’s gentle guidance and encouragement provided a space for self discovery and renewal.
I loved being part of a group willing to explore and share their healing journeys through the creative process. - Sue
Art as a Healing Practice is an expressive arts process that embraces the positive power of creative work/play to change lives. It is a series of carefully guided themed sessions that each consist of a gentle and powerful blend of guided meditation, visual art, and writing.
I originally created Art as a Healing Practice almost twenty years ago. It emerged organically out of my own personal practice of blending guided meditation, visual art, and writing. Working with these modalities in sequence was, and is, a powerful part of my own healing journey, and, at some point I began to shape it
into a form that I could share with others. I have offered this body of work live in the studio as individual sessions, series, and retreats. I have crafted it to an online format, and a self-study workshop series. I have had the privilege to witness its powerful effects on many. Along the way, I have continued to refine and shift it. Over this past inward-focused year, Art as a Healing Practice has been incubating within me. I have had the sense that I was preparing for a new version.
I trust the period of incubation as an essential part of the creative process. With the coming of spring, I am happy to say it has finally emerged, and I am ready to share it with you. - Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT Read my bio here
Whichever option you choose, I look forward to supporting you on your creative healing journey.
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, MHC Intern, K-12 Art, REACE
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE