- Are you new to Expressive Arts?
- Interested, but not sure what it is all about?
- Thinking about signing up for something but unsure how it works or what you are getting into?
- Wondering if you have to be an artist, or what you will be asked to do?
- Looking for a gentle, low-risk way way to try it out?
We understand! Expressive Arts can be difficult to explain, and powerful to experience. We offer you some low and no-cost entry points so that you can get a taste and discover if it's for you. We know that taking a step is taking a risk. Here are some options to help you navigate. What's your preference?
- Do you want a live, interactive experience with us, and others?
- Or would you prefer a self-study, where you can try it out on your own?
- Perhaps an "art meditation" to guide you?
A 90-minute live online workshop
on Zoom
December 7th
7-8:30pm EST
This is a great option if you want a live, interactive experience with us, and fellow creative explorers. We meet on Zoom, cameras on. We do a guided meditation, everyone makes an image and explores it in movement and writing, and then we witness and share.There are usually 10-20 participants. Ground rules of confidentiality, acceptance, trust in the process. No interpretation.
Our gift to you
Follow the links to each of these. Meditation with a Stone is on our blog; the other 3 are in our learning platform, where you will be asked to register and sign in. There is no cost, and you have "forever" access. You will need to provide your email address, but we don't add you to our email list unless you ask.
A space and time to show up and experience the gifts of your own creative presence.
Open Studios are simply time and space for you to immerse yourself in your own creativity. We meet, on Zoom with cameras on, introduce ourselves and set intentions. Kathleen opens with a Loving Witness meditation, Tamara opens with some music and movement, and Victoria opens with an art check-in. We re-gather for the last 30 minutes
or so, for some witnessing and sharing. You can use the time to make art, write, or whatever you want. During the art-making time, you can have your camera off or on. You can come and go, and you don't have to be there for the whole time. It is very self-directed. Ground rules are confidentiality, acceptance, respect. There is no fee. We gratefully accept love offerings in any amount.
We have several. These 3 are all good places to begin.
Still have questions? Email us. We are happy to help!
In creative community,
Kathleen,Tamara, Victoria
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, MHC Intern, K-12 Art, REACE
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE