Expand your Expressive Arts Training with these leaders!
We are excited to bring you this amazing line-up of Expressive Arts teachers.
Each of them is a leader in the field, with a unique and significant contribution to expressive arts work in the world. All the workshops are interactive and live online.
We recognize that you may want to sign up for several, so we have created a bonus.
If you register for three, we will invite you to sign up for an additional one,
as our guest.
(It is likely that some workshops will fill. We will do our best to honor your first choice)
Entering the Dance Safely
with Markus Scott-Alexander, PhD, REAT
Wednesday Aug. 19, 6-8 pm ET
Live Online via Zoom
Expressive arts work is usually quite gentle. We do not push or manipulate the process. We trust the process. Taking someone through an embodied, creative experience requires both inspiration and skill. In this master class, which is both theoretical and experiential, we will explore the phenomenon of “safely, entering the dance”. We start the process
with body awareness, which focuses on vertical presence. Then, we will progress to movement which takes us into the space, the horizontal plane. And thirdly, we move on to dance where we let go and explore. In this training, we learn how to move into the experience of letting go in a way that feels both safe and playful.
Markus is a pioneer in the field of expressive arts education. He recently released a new book entitled, Expressive Arts Education and Therapy: Discoveries in a Dance Theatre Lab Through Creative Process-based Research (available through Brill.com). Markus is the director of World Arts Organization (www.worldartsorg.com) and is senior faculty at the European Graduate School.
Expressive Arts Worldwide
Unpacking Your Cultural Baggage
with Gloria Simoneaux, REAT
Thursday September 3
6-8 pm ET
Online via Zoom
This workshop will familiarize you with the Harambee Arts Expressive Arts methodology that focuses on a culturally sensitive, collaborative, and relational approach to working with different societies around the world. Using exercises that have been tested and proven successful at counseling sites and other contexts in Africa, Asia and Latin America, the workshop
addresses learning how you can successfully enter and engage a different culture with respect, curiosity and wonder.
Gloria is founding director of Harambee Arts, an expressive arts organization and training program based in sub-Saharan Africa, Nepal and the Caribbean. Harambee Arts is designed to serve children and women globally who have been traumatized by illness, poverty, violence, autistic spectrum disorder, trafficking and other crises.
Resilience Building
The Power of Self-Compassion in Building Resilience
with Manju Jain & Aslam Khader
Tuesday September 29
6-8 pm
Live Online via Zoom
In their work with under-served populations that have experienced extreme hardship and trauma, Manju and Aslam have found self-compassion to be an important step in building resilience. They introduce the theory of self-compassion through expressive arts, humanistic and positive psychology.
In the last year, Manju and Aslam have facilitated over 100 workshops in India, Nepal and the US with over 2000 children and adults. Since the start of the pandemic they have moved their work online, and conduct weekly workshops for a set of 12 global groups.
Manju and Aslam are the Co-Chairs of the Social Action Committee of IEATA (International Expressive Arts Therapy Association)and they are inspiring and mobilizing us with their passion, vision, and innovative programming in service of social justice.
Re-Firing On All Cylinders!
The Evolution of a Canadian, Rural Expressive Arts Practice
with H. Fay Wilkinson, REACE
Saturday October 3, 2020
Noon – 2 pm ET
Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. Often it seems to take a major catalyst to force a re-think, a re-arrange, and a re-charge. That catalyst can give us a real opportunity to jolt us out of the safety of the known and catapult us into new territory. Join me as I share how my Canadian, rural expressive arts practice has evolved in these ‘new’ days. I’ll cover what I’ve
learned, the mistakes I’ve made and how I’ve found fresh, effective ways of doing my personal and professional work using technology. You will have a chance to say yes to a hands-on art-making experience which will highlight best practices.
For over 30 years Fay has designed and delivered Expressive Arts experiences for both individuals and groups with a current focus on mental health and those living with cancer. Her published paper (in the Journal of Arts & Health), contributes to the growing body of evidence that now supports the value of engaging in creative processes on our mental and physical well-being. Fay was awarded the Fellowship of Applied Education
from Fleming College, nominated for the Innovation and Creativity Award from the Chamber of Commerce and is the founder of Visible Voices, a virtual community hub which encourages everyone to respond creatively to things that matter. She has been invited to speak about her innovative work nationally and internationally including the International Arts & Health Conference in Australia.
Living with Uncertainty
Expressive Arts Therapy:
Trauma, Resiliency and Attunement
with Mitchell Kossak, PhD, LMHC, REAT
Wednesday October 7, 6-8 pm ET
Live Online via ZOOM
In these uncertain and distressed times, the skills that we can bring as expressive arts practitioners become even more important in helping to guide ourselves and others through difficult emotions. This ‘Woke-Shop’ will be a time to reflect on the inner and outer landscapes with a focus on how expressive arts can address individual and collective trauma through a lens of inter and intra- personal neurobiology. Through guided
exercises that use breath, sound, rhythmic drumming, movement and image making we will explore how a re-alignment with personal and transpersonal rhythms can help to facilitate a sense of psychospiritual unity and begin a process of healing.
Mitchell is a Professor and former director in the Expressive Therapies program at Lesley University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has presented his work and research on rhythmic attunement, improvisation, psychospiritual and community-based approaches to working with trauma at conferences internationally. He is the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Applied Arts and
Health and author of Attunement in Expressive Arts Therapy: Toward an Understanding of Embodied Empathy. In 2019 he helped to create Voces Arts and Healing, to work with asylum seekers in Juarez Mexico. He is also a professional musician, performing for the past 35 years in the Boston area.
Rising Up to the Dream of Your Soul
Grounding through the Expressive Arts in times of upheaval and uncertainty
with Nicki Koethner, MA, MFT
Tuesday October 27, 6-8 pm ET
Live Online via Zoom
Connecting with elemental energies through movement, painting, writing, poetry, storytelling and ritual, we will connect with earth body wisdom to remember our essential natures, grief the heartbreak of separation, isolation and disconnection and reclaim the dream of our souls that connect us with all of our relations.
The soul dream serves as a resource to be with the imprints of the human cultural shadow of war, violence, abuse, “isms,” injustices, and separation from ourselves and each other and the earth as well as the current impact of the pandemic. We will provide a safe container to grieve the impact of those societal structures and global crisis on our psyche and utilize the intermodality of the expressive arts as well as earth as a resource
to process, digest, express and reconnect.
We will rise up through the embodiment of our soul dream in various modalities and access the field of love and compassion, supporting our resiliency and reconnection with our bodies and the larger earth body through guided meditation, sound healing, breathing exercises and ritual.
Nicki is a Multi-Media Artist, Expressive Arts Psychotherapist and Educator. She is devoted to playfulness, joy, embodied earth-based spirituality and transforming trauma into empowerment through creativity. She has a private practice in German and English in Berkeley, CA. She is adjunct faculty at Sofia University, California Institute of Integral Studies, and
co-supervisor at Art of Health and Healing of Contra Costa Medical Centers (CCRMC).
Traditional Indigenous and Popular Art Practices and Expressive Arts
Inspiration for our work with clients and communities
Wendy Phillips, PhD, LMFT, REACE, REAT
Saturday November 14,
Noon to 2 pm ET
Live Online via Zoom
In this training workshop, Wendy will focus on El Colectivo Macondo in Oaxaca, Mexico.
In this workshop, Wendy will share about how the program was founded, the priorities, and how their way of working is related to the way we define social justice. She will also talk about the work she is doing with students in Cuba. She has begun a journal project about traditional cultural practices and Expressive Arts and hopes that the first issue will be printed by fall. Wendy will share excerpts
from this and also experientials from a curriculum she developed for the first El Colectivo Macondo workshop.
Wendy is a Psychotherapist, an Expressive Arts Therapist, a faculty member, and a Research Psychologist. She is a conceptual visual artist whose favorite practice is analog photography. Wendy is drawn to historical and alternative photographic processes and fiber arts. In her research, Wendy uses photography as a method of Arts Based inquiry.
Melting and Growing
in Person-Centered Expressive Arts
with Fiona Chang, REAT, RSW, PhD Candidate CUHK
Wednesday December 2
7-9 pm ET
Live Online via Zoom
This workshop combines the theoretical foundation of person-centered expressive arts and experiential learning about the creative connection process for growth. It is a practice-based training of applying multi-modal expressive arts to connect with our body-mind-spirit, to listen, understand, let go and heal. This creative practice is person-centered, engagement-oriented and
process-focused. We shall co-create a sacred place for genuineness, compassion and positive regards.
Fiona is a Registered Expressive Arts Therapist with IEATA, Certified Supervisor of the Australian Counseling Association (ACA), and a Registered Social Worker. She is faculty of the Person- centered Expressive Arts Program founded by Dr. Natalie Rogers. She founded the Expressive Arts Therapy Training Program of the Centre on Behavioral Health of the University of Hong Kong and the Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong
Our Online Professional Development Training Workshops are designed to bring Expressive Arts students, therapists, and practitioners training opportunities with leaders in the field. Through a live online format, we bring you Expressive Arts professionals, from around the world, to enhance your learning and expertise. Each
presentation will be a combination of didactic and experiential learning. We are a Florida CEU provider for LMHC, LCSW, LMFT. You will receive a Certificate of Completion to submit to your own CE Board.
**Each workshop is $50.
If you are an EAFI graduate or student, use coupon code gradeafi and receive a 20% discount.
If you register for 3, you receive a 4th workshop as our guest!
If you are an EAFI student registered in EAFI 220, use coupon code eafi220. For EAFI 220 students, workshops are 6-9 pm
With love,
Kathleen,Tamara, Victoria
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, K-12 Art, REACE
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE