THANK YOU to our students for showing up and embracing the wonders of Zoom technology! We moved, enacted, witnessed, made images, shared, learned, and created community in EAFI 120 Expressive Arts for Body Mind Spirit.
Are you ready to begin your training?
Expressive Arts in the World begins live online, August 8 to Dec. 5.
You can take the Professional Development trainings (below) and get credit toward your Certificate.
What's new this week?
We have added to our Online Offerings - 2 SoulCollage® workshops and more Professional Development Training Workshops with inspiring presenters.
Donna Papenhausen's brand new workshop still has a few spaces, and our
3x weekly Open Studios continue.
And, we have collected more helpful resources for you, to assist in the stress of the pandemic, and to stand together against racial injustice.
ONLINE OPEN STUDIOS 3 times each week
Tuesday Open Studio 1-4 pm EDT
With Kathleen Horne
Tuesday sessions open with a Loving Witness Meditation
Wednesday Open Studio 10 am to 1 pm EDT
Thursday Pop-up Open Studio 5 pm to 8 pm EDT
With Victoria Domenichello-Anderson
Opens with Art Check-in, and an inspirational reading or poem
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
There is no fee for Open Studios. Love Offerings are gratefully accepted.
90-minute live online workshop
Monday July 27, 7-8:30 pm
From Chaos to Cosmos
with Donna Papenhausen
Wednesday July 25
Noon to 5 pm EDT
Live Online via Zoom
Finding New Inspiration in Challenging Times
Many of us are trying to find ways to cope with "the new normal". Change is hard and we are tired. What if we allow that sense of fatigue to carry us into a place of new inspiration via daydreams and waking visions? What if a "new and exciting normal" can emerge as we dream together? Join Donna as she guides you from Chaos to Cosmos on your canvas, discovering new possibilities
and new dreams. Paint your own "beautiful dreamer" using a new process that turns negative space into positive inspiration.
Supply list attached.
TWO OPTIONS for SoulCollage®
Beginner and Returning
with Diane Lampitt
M.Ed., SoulCollage® Facilitator
Tuesday August 11
6-9pm EDT
Online via Zoom
$40 ($35 + $5 fee for SoulCollage® kit)
This workshop is for those new to SoulCollage®
Registration deadline is Aug. 4 to allow time for a kit to be mailed to you.
PLAYING WITH A FULL DECK Deepening Your SoulCollage® Practice
With Diane Lampitt, M.Ed., SoulCollage® Facilitator
Wednesday July 15
6 to 9 pm EDT
Online via Zoom
$40 ($35 + $5 fee for SoulCollage® kit)
This workshop is for those who have attended an introduction to SoulCollage® workshop and would like to go deeper into the SoulCollage® process and practice.
Registration deadline 7 days prior (July 8) to allow time for a kit to be mailed to you.
Entering the Dance Safely
with Markus Scott-Alexander, PhD, REAT
Wednesday Aug. 19, 6-8 pm ET
Live Online via Zoom
Expressive arts work is usually quite gentle. We do not push or manipulate the process. We trust the process. Taking someone through an embodied, creative experience requires both inspiration and skill. In this master class, which is both theoretical and experiential, we will explore the phenomenon of “safely, entering the dance”. We start the process
with body awareness, which focuses on vertical presence. Then, we will progress to movement which takes us into the space, the horizontal plane. And thirdly, we move on to dance where we let go and explore. In this training, we learn how to move into the experience of letting go in a way that feels both safe and playful.
Expressive Arts Worldwide
Unpacking Your Cultural Baggage
with Gloria Simoneaux, REAT
Thursday September 3
6-8 pm ET
Online via Zoom
This workshop will familiarize you with the Harambee Arts Expressive Arts methodology that focuses on a culturally sensitive, collaborative, and relational approach to working with different societies around the world. Using exercises that have been tested and proven successful at counseling sites and other contexts in Africa, Asia and Latin America, the workshop
addresses learning how you can successfully enter and engage a different culture with respect, curiosity and wonder.
Resilience Building
The Power of Self-Compassion in Building Resilience
with Manju Jain & Aslam Khader
Tuesday September 29
6-8 pm
Live Online via Zoom
In their work with under-served populations that have experienced extreme hardship and trauma, Manju and Aslam have found self-compassion to be an important step in building resilience. They introduce the theory of self-compassion through expressive arts, humanistic and positive psychology.
In the last year, Manju and Aslam have facilitated over 100 workshops in India, Nepal and the US with over 2000 children and adults. Since the start of the pandemic they have moved their work online, and conduct weekly workshops for a set of 12 global groups. They are the Co-Chairs of the Social Action Committee of IEATA.
Re-Firing On All Cylinders!
The Evolution of a Canadian, Rural Expressive Arts Practice
with H. Fay Wilkinson, REACE
Saturday October 3, 2020
Noon – 2 pm ET
(please note: this is a new date; this workshop was rescheduled)
Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. Often it seems to take a major catalyst to force a re-think, a re-arrange, and a re-charge. That catalyst can give us a real opportunity to jolt us out of the safety of the known and catapult us into new territory. Join me as I share how my Canadian, rural expressive arts practice has evolved in these ‘new’ days. I’ll cover what I’ve
learned, the mistakes I’ve made and how I’ve found fresh, effective ways of doing my personal and professional work using technology. You will have a chance to say yes to a hands-on art-making experience which will highlight best practices.
Living with Uncertainty
Expressive Arts Therapy:
Trauma, Resiliency and Attunement
with Mitchell Kossak, PhD, LMHC, REAT
Wednesday October 7, 6-8 pm ET
Live Online via ZOOM
In these uncertain and distressed times, the skills that we can bring as expressive arts practitioners become even more important in helping to guide ourselves and others through difficult emotions. This ‘Woke-Shop’ will be a time to reflect on the inner and outer landscapes with a focus on how expressive arts can address individual and collective trauma through a lens of inter and intra- personal neurobiology. Through guided
exercises that use breath, sound, rhythmic drumming, movement and image making we will explore how a re-alignment with personal and transpersonal rhythms can help to facilitate a sense of psychospiritual unity and begin a process of healing.
Rising Up to the Dream of Your Soul
Grounding through the Expressive Arts in times of upheaval and uncertainty
with Nicki Koethner, MA, MFT
Tuesday October 27, 6-8 pm ET
Live Online via Zoom
Connecting with elemental energies through movement, painting, writing, poetry, storytelling and ritual, we will connect with earth body wisdom to remember our essential natures, grief the heartbreak of separation, isolation and disconnection and reclaim the dream of our souls that connect us with all of our relations.
The soul dream serves as a resource to be with the imprints of the human cultural shadow of war, violence, abuse, “isms,” injustices, and separation from ourselves and each other and the earth as well as the current impact of the pandemic. We will provide a safe container to grieve the impact of those societal structures and global crisis on our psyche and utilize the intermodality of the expressive arts as well as earth as a resource
to process, digest, express and reconnect.
We will rise up through the embodiment of our soul dream in various modalities and access the field of love and compassion, supporting our resiliency and reconnection with our bodies and the larger earth body through guided meditation, sound healing, breathing exercises and ritual.
This is an experiential workshop in which participants will take away tools to provide cultural shadow grief-work based in trauma-informed care, eco-psychology, energy work and self-care tools to do this work from a resourced place. Applications of the work are discussed and explored.
Two more presenters will be scheduled for November, including:
Wendy Phillips, PhD, LMFT, REACE, REAT will present in November on her Expressive Arts work in Mexico, through El Colectivo Macondo, and in Cuba. Wendy is a psychotherapist, expressive arts therapist, faculty member, and research psychologist. She is a conceptual artist whose favorite practice is analog photography.
Wendy focuses on the naturally occurring Expressive elements in traditional indigenous art and ritual practices and how learning about these practices may inform Multimodal Expressive Arts Therapy work with our clients and in our communities.
Date, specifics and registration will be available in next week's newsletter.
Our Online Professional Development Training Workshops are designed to bring Expressive Arts students, therapists, and practitioners training opportunities with leaders in the field. Through a live online format, we bring you Expressive Arts professionals, from around the world, to enhance your learning and expertise. Each
presentation will be a combination of didactic and experiential learning. We are a Florida CEU provider for LMHC, LCSW, LMFT. You will receive a Certificate of Completion to submit to your own CE Board.
**Each workshop is $50.
If you are an EAFI graduate or student, use coupon code gradeafi and receive a 20% discount.
If you are an EAFI student registered in EAFI 220, use coupon code eafi220. For EAFI 220 students, workshops are 6-9 pm
(no charge)
You can return to it as often as you like.
Always available to support your on your expressive arts journey
Part 2 is Wed. July 1 at 8 pm ET; Part 1 is available for replay
How Does it Live in You?
Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 7-8:30 PM EDT
Hosted by Hollyhock. With Khari Wendell McClelland, Rebekka Goldsmith, and Laura June Albert. "In this session we will creatively process the ways that systemic racism lives within us and our complicity in it. We will allow ourselves to feel and digest this complexity with the support of
somatic and creative arts."
July 20 - A virtual event with Ibram X. Kendi
Faith Ringgold at MOMA
A practical interview with Susan Stiffleman, author, teacher, and family psychotherapist. This is part of SoundsTrue Resilience in Challenging Times series.
This looks like a beautiful 3-Sunday series. The fee is $60 and you can request a discount.
And some music from OK Go - All Together Now
Sending compassion, courage, and creativity,
Kathleen,Tamara, Victoria
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, K-12 Art, REACE
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE