We meet people all the time who think they are not artists, but they want to be creative. What we know (and you likely do too because you are here) is that even if you do not think you are an artist, you can use art tools to awaken your creative spirit. You can connect with your own inner wisdom through the arts to feel more present and
mindful in your life.
If there was a simple, fun, and easy way to connect deeply within and use your own creative wisdom to guide your life without knowing anything about art wouldn't you use it?
Even though we may believe that everyone can be creative, we know that not everyone believes it applies to them. We hear people say things like “I am not an artist” or their brother or their aunt is the artist, they can’t draw a straight line or a stick figure. When we hear these things, we want to tell them that those things are not needed.
Everyone is an artist, everyone is creative. It is your birthright; it is one of the things that makes us human. In fact, for longer than we can trace, humans have used the arts to find answers to some of life’s most complex questions.
Personally, we use an expressive arts practice that we lean into when we feel far away from center and we need a way to get back. When we feel disconnected and we long to feel seen and heard for who we truly are, we go to our practice and return to the present moment, calm
our minds and bodies, and rejuvenate our spirits.
In these moments, we find a piece of paper, a few minutes, breathe, and make marks on the page, allow words to flow and maybe move our bodies to remember the stream of creative wisdom that has been running through us all along. We have been practicing this for decades and we know that when we trust it and do it, we find
our way back home. We feel connected within; we find solutions to problems, heal wounds, and have a lot more fun. It has come to mean so much to each of us in our lives. Our expressive arts practice is like a gentle container for our lives, holding us patiently and kindly as we splatter and splash around.
We have come to trust this practice so much that we want to share it with you and reassure you that you do not have to know anything about art to be creative, to access what is innately yours. You can have a simple practice that takes only a few minutes, or you can linger in it and soak up the delicious colors and forms that call you to
play on your page. You might already have a practice, which is great, but if you are not using it or need to revive it, We invite you to do so!
We have put together a self-study course to accompany you and get you going on your practice. It will serve as a guide to awakening the power of your own creativity in your life.
The early start price is extended until March 1.
You can use the coupon code EARLYSTART2020