We apologize for the incorrect registration link in this morning's email...
Looking for a gentle way to connect to yourself and with others thru Art Making?
Curious to experience an Expressive Arts Process from Home?
Listen, Learn, Make Art, Share, Witness, and Discover Right from Home....
A Virtual Expressive Arts Workshop
Tuesday February 18th
7-8:30 pm ONLINE
Expressive Arts helps you break through old stories about your creativity. We will assist you in leaving your inner critic outside and inviting your authentic creative voice.
This workshop is for you…
If you have a personal or professional interest in Expressive Arts
If you have heard of Expressive Arts and are still wondering “what is that?”
If you have that feeling that there might be more people out there like you who love to create and don’t know where to start
If Expressive Arts is already part of your life, and you want to re-connect, with self and with tribe.
What will you find?
A hands-on experience that can enrich your life.
Connection with a tribe of global creatives who are making a difference in the world.
Insight and experience of a simple and profound expressive arts practice that you can continue to reap the benefits from.
What do you need?
a good internet connection
a computer and webcam
90 minutes of time and space for yourself
a notebook or journal, paper or sketchbook, some simple art supplies such as oil pastels.
What DON’T you need?
art experience
your inner critic
Join the Circle.....
Expressive Arts Discovery offers an opportunity to meaningfully connect and share yourself with your tribe. -Brandy
The online expressive arts experience is the only one of it’s kind that offers a live, real-time group art-making process. It is a rare, magical and lovely deepening experience in which all are supported and encouraged to explore the soul aspect in the company of other open hearts in a way that is most respectful and enriching. We often do most of our personal work in isolation, which is necessary. But it truly
helps to support my commitment to self-transformative processes using art practice when I have this group experience to look forward to each month. I highly recommend it to anyone on the expressive arts path as well as those who’ve never tried artistic expression before. All are welcome. Joanna Novosedlik, Ontario Canada
The online class was a new experience for me. I had no idea what to expect. It was an awesome experience. I can’t wait for the next workshop. Elizabeth Santiago
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, BA, REACE, Certified K-12 Art Teacher
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE
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