Good morning!
We hope you are enjoying this series of emails focusing on our Guiding Principles.
A foundational principle for us is this:
We believe that it is essential for the practitioner of Expressive Arts to be engaged in their own personal expressive arts practice.
We encourage you to discover and grow a practice that works for you!
Moving my body and getting in touch with what is moving within me forms the basis of my personal practice. For me, it is about sensing and taking time to closely observe the next impulse. I pause, listen, and respond with my body, then with images, then with movement, then words, images, sound, then words.
It is important for me to resist judgment and allow myself to be free to let it all out and go back and forth following the path of my creative thread.
When I use this practice, the images come out through my movement and they reveal more about themselves as I proceed. I do not know where they are going, but I gain more and more insight into where I am coming from, which is grounding and nourishing and brings me to a place of peace.
As you may know by now, we are preparing some new online course materials for you, to expand and deepen your understanding and experience with
Expressive Arts.
We are actively working on these new offerings, and you will receive the details as soon as we have them ready.
We are committed to creating high quality training materials for both our local and online communities, and we are continuing to build on our foundational training course:
Creative Wisdom: Introductory Online Training in Expressive Arts.
Creative Wisdom 8 week online Training in Intermodal Expressive Arts is the best, richest, most thorough, safe, clear, broad, and deep foundational introduction anyone could hope for, whether for personal or professional use, if you wish to begin or continue your exploration of Expressive Arts! - Maureen O'Reilly, APRN
Are you interested in getting started on your Expressive Arts Training?
- This is the first step, and it integrates with our Certificate Training Program.
- Start on your pathway to becoming a REACE or REAT with IEATA.(International Expressive Arts Therapy Association)
Are you a mental health counselor or psychotherapist?
- Earn 16 CEU's, and infuse your work with creativity that benefits both your clients and you.
In the meantime, we hope you are enjoying learning more about our guiding principles and how they can impact your practice and your life! Stay tuned for the next one, which will arrive in your inbox on Sunday.
Did you miss the other emails in this series? Here are the links.
With gratitude,
Kathleen, Tamara, Victoria
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, BA, REACE, Certified K-12 Art Teacher
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE
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