Today, we offer you another of our
Guiding Principles
to consider and explore for yourself.
We believe that it is essential for the practitioner of Expressive Arts to be engaged in their own personal Expressive Arts practice.
We see this as a critical component of self-care, a necessary means to fully understand and benefit from the power of the expressive arts, and to know the territory in which you may be guiding others.
We also recognize that it is not always easy.
If you struggle with how to find the time, what to focus on, or how to structure your practice, read on, and watch the video of Kathleen introducing a new practice.
We are here to support you.
What is a personal expressive arts practice?
- A consistent practice that supports your well-being and self-care..
- Regular enagagement with the arts, as a means of of both personal exploration and self-reflection.
- More than one arts modality is recommended.
What are some examples?
- 5 minutes of spontaneous movement, followed by a quick visual image.
- quiet your mind, turn inward, focus on breath. Make a quick visual image.
- Find/discover/create a rhythm on a drum that seems to express how you are currently feeling. Repeat it. Do some spontaneous writing.
- Create a spontaneous visual image. Respond to it with your voice. Then write.
Choose something that will work for you. Get creative - the options are limitless. And be realistic about choosing something that you will follow through with in the context of your current life. Make it a priority. Schedule it in and write it in your planner. It can be daily, twice a week, or once a week. Commit, and
also allow your practice to change and evolve. It doesn't always have to be the same. Keep your materials and set-up simple. Make it portable, so that you can do it wherever you are.
Here is some advice from Creative Wisdom, our online introductory training.
Ask yourself:
- What has worked well for you so far?
- What has been more challenging?
- What might you like to try more of?
- Which modalities come most naturally for you?
- Which ones do you have resistance to or discomfort with?
- How might you benefit from including a little more of your least favorite modalities?
We encourage you to explore a variety of expressive arts processes and design a practice that works for you, refining and changing it over time to meet your needs. We recommend that your practice include more than one arts modality – visual art (any media),
movement, writing, music, rhythm, voice.
Kathleen has just begun a new daily practice that she shares with you in this video. We hope it will inspire you to create something that gets you started or re-ignites your own practice.
As we mentioned a couple of days ago, we are adding some bonus materials to Creative Wisdom: Introductory Online Training in Expressive Arts.
We will be ready to announce these great additions next week. Whether you are in the course, ready to register, or already have your Certificate of Completion, we expect this will be good news for you! By the way, Creative Wisdom has videos in every lesson - demonstrations, collaborations, inspiring stories, and more.
Are you a mental health counselor or psychotherapist?
- Earn 16 CEU's, and infuse your work with creativity that benefits both your clients and you.
Are you interested in getting started on your Expressive Arts Training?
- This is the first step, and it integrates with our Certificate Training Program.
- Start on your pathway to becoming a REACE or REAT with IEATA.(International Expressive Arts Therapy Association)
Creative Wisdom is a truly excellent introduction to Intermodal Expressive Arts. I don't believe I have ever felt so well supported in a class, from the structure of the course, the sequence of the modules that build confidence and competence, the care taken by the instructors in every detail, and their willingness to
offer themselves as guides and models for the work. Thank you EAFI!
Katherine Ziff, Ph.D
In the meantime, we hope you are enjoying learning more about our guiding principles and how they can impact your practice and your life!
Did you miss the last email - The Positive Power of Creativity in Every Person?
With gratitude,
Kathleen, Tamara, Victoria
Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
Tamara Teeter Knapp, BA, REACE, Certified K-12 Art Teacher
Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE
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