First, a big Thank You! This past week we had the privilege of teaching the basics of Expressive Arts to a group of Tidewell Hospice volunteers and staff. The day was beautiful and deep, filled with art-making, sharing, laughter, and a few tears. Expressive Arts brings joy and healing into so many lives in so many ways. We are grateful to this amazing organization and in awe of their work. Certificate Training Program Are you interested but not quite sure if this program is
for you? You have the opportunity to enrol in the November session of EAFI 110 (space permitting) even if you have not yet applied and been accepted into the certificate training program. It is a great way to find out
what this field is all about, and to take a deep dive! Email us to learn more about this option November 9-12: EAFI 110: Dive In to Expressive
Arts (Intermodal Intensive) Live Online - Immerse yourself into Expressive Arts process, including visual art, sound, music, movement, drama, writing, and guided meditation.
In a safe and supportive retreat atmosphere, set an intention and follow the thread of your own creative process and
imagery through a series of guided experiences.Experiential in nature, this course is a great introduction to the power of intermodal expressive arts. It is a gift to yourself!
Our full 2023 Schedule will be published very soon. All core courses will be offered online, except EAFI 130 and
210, which will be offered in-person. We are continuing to align our training with IEATA's REACE and REAT requirements. Get started on your training today! Creative Wisdom: Introductory Online Training in Expressive
Arts is your orientation course. It's online and self-study. A stand-alone course itself, it is also a required pre-requisite for the training program. In the coming week we will be announcing the dates for our in-person Open Studio and workshop. ART as a HEALING PRACTICE Workshops Centering with the Mandala with Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT Monday, November 7 6-9 pm EDT Online via Zoom Discover the gentle power of creating a personal mandala to invoke centering and integration. Creating within a circle invokes a sense of wholeness and invites us to connect with our essence. “The self-care of an Expressive Arts workshop with
Kathleen becomes care for the world by some beautiful alchemy that brings the benefits of the session beyond the personal to the global. Mend and heal the self. Mend and heal the world.” A recent Art as a Healing Practice workshop participant Coming Up: Ecological Self on 11-21 and Synthesis on
12-5 SoulCollage® Workshops Exploring the SoulCollage® Companion Suit: Discover one of
your Animal Guides with Diane Lampitt, M.Ed. SoulCollage® Facilitator Thursday, November 17 6-9 pm Online via
Zoom This workshop is for those who have taken an Introduction to SoulCollage® workshop. It is an invitation to take a deep dive into the process to learn about and explore the Companion suit. It includes a guided meditation designed to help you discover your own animal companions who inhabit each of our body’s Seven main Chakras, or energy centers.
Card making and reading will be a part of honoring our time together. Coming Up: SoulCollage®: Receiving Counsel
from the Council Suit on 12-8 Online Open Studio 1st + 3rd Thursdays Nov. 1 and Nov.
15 1-4 pm ET with Kathleen Come join us for some art making. We will begin with a guided meditation, then open
art-making time in creative community. You can drop in, stay for an hour or the whole time. There is no charge for Open Studio. Donations are always welcome and never required. Expressive Arts Discovery Monday Nov. 14, 7-8:30 pm Online via
Zoom Learn about Expressive Arts by engaging in it! Make Art. Tune in. Be aware of the images that are waiting to emerge. Explore
creating those images with simple art materials. Let the images speak – in words, in movement, perhaps. Be amazed. Find your way. Share the gifts that your images bring. Connect with community.. Witness yourself and each other. Just witness. There is nothing that needs to be said or
done. Professional Development Your Storylines: Exploring Points of Inflection in Racial Awareness, an Open Studio Process Experience with Pat B. Allen & Rhonda Johnson New Date: Friday December 2 1-3:30 pm ET Online via Zoom Transforming our racial awareness is an inside job. Using Open Studio Process (OSP) we will identify points in personal history that make up our racial understanding. We invite you to join us in an exploration of the strengths and
vulnerabilities in our personal and collective stories. Expressive Arts Therapy with Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, NCC, MHC Intern Expressive arts therapy is a multimodal
approach to counseling that is holistic and acknowledges the complexity of being human. Grounded in humanistic principles, it is assumed that each person has what they need to heal and grow into the best version of themselves. Using different art forms, clients discover inner resources, build new coping strategies, develop their strengths, and come to know themselves more fully. The therapist serves as a guide and a companion on the client’s healing journey by providing invitations to express
feelings and thoughts through creative exploration. This type of counseling considers the whole person, which includes the imagination and new possibilities while honoring the present or current issues that the client is struggling with. Expressive arts therapy incorporates mindfulness skills, somatic awareness, and is trauma sensitive as it enables clients to express what is held in their bodies through more than just words. It is a gentle and supportive process that is guided by the therapist
but led by the client. We are here to support you. With gratitude, Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, K-12 Art, NCC, MHC Intern, REACE |