Intention Setting Returns! In-Person and Online Set the tone for 2023...Honor and release what the old year brought and set an intention for a new year. We all find ourselves busy this time of year and with in-person and online options there are several ways to connect and gather with others during this sacred season. Intention Setting: In Person Event Thursday December 22nd 6-8:30 pm EST At this potent time of year we honor the returning of the light. As we welcome the New Year, we embrace the opportunity for powerful new beginnings. Take time, in creative community, to go within, discover your intention and set your course. We have been doing Annual Intention Setting in
community for many years in person and are excited to gather again in person. We invite you to join us. We will: - Listen within through guided
- Set intentions for the coming year
- Use arts modalities to articulate your intention with
visual art and writing
- Share energy with creative
We will make art, enjoy some refreshments, and welcome in
the New Year with a powerful Expressive Arts Process. You can Register Online Here or pay at the door.Intention Setting: Live Online Wednesday January 4th 6:30-8:30 pm EST At Join us online to process, explore, celebrate, and witness as you and others from around the world set an intention for a new year. Join the circle from anywhere and Register Here to receive more info. Are you ready to explore Expressive Arts further? We welcome you to consider the Certificate Training Program! Here is a pathway for you for 2023. - Creative Wisdom: Introductory Online Training in Expressive Arts. This will lay the groundwork for you.
- Apply to the Certificate Training Program now,
- Or contact us if you would like to take your first course to try it out and see if the program is a fit for you.
- EAFI 120 -
Expressive Arts for Body Mind Spirit, January 17-20 ONLINE
- EAFI 110 - Dive In Intermodal Intensive - March 28-31 ONLINE
EAFI 220 - Expressive Arts in the World - April to October ONLINE ( a series of Professional Development workshops) - EAFI 230 - Business and Profession of Expressive Arts - late spring 2023 ONLINE (exact dates to be announced soon)
- Come to Sarasota in October for:
EAFI 130 - Scope of Expressive Arts - October 17-20 - EAFI 210 - Foundations
of Expressive Arts - October 24 - October 27
*You can complete all six core courses by the end of October* Or,
you can begin now and work through your core courses at a slower pace if you like. Choose a schedule that works for you. For all the details, click
here. Reach out to us with your questions. We are happy to help! Not sure if you want to commit
to the whole training program? Talk to us about taking EAFI 120 in January as a stand-alone workshop. Expressive Arts Florida offers the Gold Standard of expressive arts training programs. Their intensive certificate program was the best thing to happen to me when I was in the” in-between.” It gave me the reboot I needed to hone my skills as an
expressive arts practitioner, revitalized my commitment to the work and brought me up to date with current best practices. The instructor’s professionalism, expertise and well-balanced, teaching style afforded me a safe container in which to explore profound play. As a result I grew as a person and as a facilitator. Topaz Weis, REACE Online Creative Workshops for the Remainder of 2022 Follow... Online Open Studio with Kathleen Tuesdays; 1-4pm
EST Dec 13th Jan. 3rd & 10th Come join us for some art making. We will begin with a guided
meditation, then open art-making time in creative community. You can drop in, stay for an hour or the whole time. Art as a Healing Practice: Synthesis with Kathleen Horne
LMHC, REACE®, REAT® Monday December 5th 6-9 pm EST Online Join Kathleen, and other
creative seekers, on Zoom, from wherever you are, to shine the light of your own creative wisdom on the potent question. Synthesize and complete your experience with the Art as a Healing Practice work. Whether you have participated in one session or the whole series, this workshop will assist you in more fully assimilating your experience. SoulCollage® Receiving Counsel from the Council Suit: Discover Your Archetype Guides with Diane
Lampitt, M.Ed. SoulCollage® Facilitator Thursday, December 8th 6-9 pm est Online via Zoom This is an invitation to take a deep dive into the process to learn about and explore the Council suit. When we wish to connect with wisdom greater than our own, we can create and consult with our cards in the Council Suit. Listening to their perspective of the “larger story,” (as Seena Frost describes universal, archetypal and mythical energies) can
inspire and inform us at a personal level in our “local/personal story.” Although Council Suit energies are numinous, dynamic, nonlinear patterns existing across times and cultures, our expression of them can be uniquely our own. From the vastness of their “bigger than us” perspective, we can grasp snippets of wisdom to integrate with our ever-evolving inner wisdom. This workshop is for those who have taken an Introduction to SoulCollage® workshop. Please register at your earliest convenience as a card making kit will be mailed to you. Expressive Arts Discovery Tuesday December 13th 7-8:30 pm
EST Listen to what stirs inside of you. Listen to
your longing. Learn about expressive arts while engaging in it. Tune in, make art and let images speak in words or movement. Find your way. Connect with Creative Community. Witness yourself and each other. There is nothing that needs to be said or done. Discover your next step.Expressive Arts Therapy with Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, NCC, Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern Expressive
arts therapy is a multimodal approach to counseling that is holistic and acknowledges the complexity of being human. Grounded in humanistic principles, it is assumed that each person has what they need to heal and grow into the best version of themselves. Using different art forms, clients discover inner resources, build new coping strategies, develop their strengths, and come to know themselves more fully. The therapist serves as a guide and a companion on the client’s healing journey by
providing invitations to express feelings and thoughts through creative exploration. This type of counseling considers the whole person, which includes the imagination and new possibilities while honoring the present or current issues that the client is struggling with. Expressive arts therapy incorporates mindfulness skills, somatic awareness, and is trauma sensitive as it enables clients to express what is held in their bodies through more than just words. It is a gentle and supportive process
that is guided by the therapist but led by the client. We are here to support you. With gratitude, Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE®, REAT® Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, K-12 Art, NCC, MHC Intern, REACE® |