A founding member of IEATA and a true leader in this field,
Maria Gonzalez-Blue is the first presenter in our Professional Development Series. We are proud to host her and we know you
will benefit from her wisdom and vision!
Expressive Arts as Pathways to the Transpersonal Self
with Maria Gonzalez-Blue, REACE, REAT
Friday April 29th
1pm-3:30pm EDT
As life travelers, we dance between our conditioned, automatic self and an innate impulse to reach for a higher plane, as if something in us longs for more. The transpersonal self is that aspect of the self that reaches beyond our known identify, that connects us to the
collective, or universal consciousness. This might be called the higher self, higher mind or the Spirit realm. My indigenous teachers call this self “The Knower”.
Strengthening our natural senses can assist us in reaching into that space. By creating a community-based, Person-Centered environment of compassion, respect and non-judgmental acceptance, we will travel together through pathways of breath, movement, writing and art in an effort
to access guidance and information that lies beyond the surface of our awareness, retrieving resources that are our birthright, that we may step more fully onto our path in this lifetime.
Participants will receive an introduction to a Person-Centered approach as a way to create a compassionate, trusting environment. Connecting as a community, we will move through a multi-modal arts process, setting aside recognizable conditioning as a way to open to ones
greater potential.
Maria Gonzalez-Blue, M.A., REAT, REACE, is in private practice as an Expressive Arts Therapist and Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator. She has taught Person-Centered Expressive Arts in several academic settings in the U.S. and internationally. As a bilingual
facilitator, she helped seed expressive arts programs in Argentina, Mexico and Guatemala. She is a founding member and board member of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. In this capacity, she drafted the first qualifying standards for registration for Expressive Arts Consultant/Educators. Maria brings to her work a dedicated commitment to diversity and cross-cultural understanding. A 35-year relationship with indigenous shamans from Mexico underlies her perception of the arts
as rituals for self-understanding and as pathways to spiritual exploration.
Curious about our other Professional Development Offerings? There's still time to register for the Full Bundle. -Take all 11 workshops for one special discounted price. Workshops will be
held live, online via Zoom with an online learning platform to make access to all of your courses easy. All sessions are recorded and if you attend live, you will receive a Certificate of Completion, which earns CEUS.
Discovering a Mindfulness Practice with SoulCollage®
with Diane Lampitt M.Ed.
April 12th 6pm-9pm EDT
If you haven't done SoulCollage® before, this is the place to start.
Material kits for this workshop are mailed right to you.
Please register by Monday April 4th so yours can arrive in time for the workshop.
Discover a Mindfulness Practice with SoulCollage® is a introduction to the contemplative and insightful process of self-discovery. It gently opens you to a new way of exploring your inner wisdom. It is a practice that leads to a greater ability to be present to yourself in the here and now. It is this mindfulness energy that connects you to the unique aspects of yourself while you deepen
connections with others – all while engaging your creativity! Using simple tools – scissors, glue, magazine images, and mat board – you create cards that are uniquely yours. This process honors your own time, pace, inner-language and spirituality.
Exploring Your Ecological Self with Expressive Arts Practice
with Kathleen Horne and Tamara Knapp
Saturday April 23rd
10am-5pm EDT
Explore your Ecological Self, through an intermodal, nature informed expressive arts process. What is your relationship to the natural world? How has your ecological awareness been
shaped and developed over time? Through this gentle and powerful process, listen deeply for any messages that are emerging, and come away with a commitment/intention.
Guided meditation, nature witnessing, intermodal expressive arts, witnessing, sharing, collaborating.
SoulCollage® Council Suit:
Mother Archetype
with Diane Lampitt M.Ed.
May 2nd 6pm-9pm EDT
This workshop is for those who have taken an Introduction to SoulCollage® workshop. It is an invitation to take a deep dive into the process to learn about and explore the Council suit. Cards in the Council Suit represent different archetypal energies,
energies that are universal patterns or themes. Some of these Larger Story archetypes enter and act in one’s personal and local story. They are guides and challengers, as in the other suits, but on a larger scale. Your Council cards may help you identify your unique and personal purpose. We will place a focus on the various archetypes representing Mother energy.
These nine, live, 3-hour, online monthly themed sessions begin in May.
The sessions work well together as a series, and they also work as individual experiences. You can choose how many, and which ones, to sign up for. And, of course, if you want to register for all nine, you can do that and save money. Each live session will be recorded, so, if you miss it, or want to review it after,
the recording will be available. (We will not record the small group sharing, to protect confidentiality of the participants.
Each workshop will consist of:
- An introduction to the theme
- A nature-based practice
- A guided meditation
- Art-making time
- Writing prompts and writing time
- Small group witnessing and sharing
- Large group sharing
- Extracting a nugget of wisdom to take, as a practice, into your life
First in the Series:
Where Am I Now?
Exploring the ''Now Period' in My Life
Monday May 9
6-9 pm EDT
In order to make change, to achieve goals, to find our way from where we are to where we want to be, we must start right here, in the now.
This Art as a Healing Practice workshop will allow you to witness yourself, in the present, through a series of gentle and powerful expressive arts practices.
Ira Progoff introduced the term "Now Period" in his Intensive Journal Method, and Kathleen has created an expressive practice to deeply explore this idea.
From Our Professional Development Series:Hearing the Call: Discerning the Questions that Guide Your Expressive Arts Practice
with Pat B. Allen and Rabbi Adina Allen
Thursday May 12th
6pm-8:30pm EDT
We all have life experiences that call out to us from within, that need transformation, that can yield new knowing via the creative process. The world itself is also calling out for transformation of outworn strategies for living. This workshop will focus on using the Open Studio Process of intention and witness as a powerful form of discernment to hear and
respond to what uniquely is calling us.
From Our Professional Development Series: The Mystic and the Artist: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay
with Markus G. Scott-Alexander
Thursday May 26th
6pm-8:30pm EDT
Who we are is informed by our growing sense of what we are. The Mystic expands our awareness, and The Artist tracks that expansion with wonder and skill. How this dynamic interplay of the imaginal realm and the mystical realm is brought to our clients will be explored and discussed. This experiential and theoretical
workshop will bridge the gap between the dynamic Knower and the intuitive thinker/feeler.
Expressive Arts Discovery
Our monthly live Expressive Arts Workshop
90 minutes of intermodal Expressive Arts to connect with yourself and with others.
Listen to what stirs inside of you.
Listen to your longing. Make art. Tune in. Be aware of the images that are waiting to emerge. Let the images speak - in words, and in movement perhaps. Find your way. Be amazed.
Witness yourself and one another. Just witness. There is nothing else that needs to be said or done.
Intermodal Expressive Arts Certificate Training Program
2022 Training Program Dates are On Our Website
EAFI 220: Expressive Arts in the World
Populations, Practices,Settings
April - October (online)
You will learn from and be inspired by guest presenters from around the world, as you expand your view of the practice and possibilities of Expressive Arts!
This course includes six of the workshops (your choice) that are offered in the 2022 Professional Development Series
Online Open Studios
Join us from anywhere to create!
There is no charge to participate in Open Studio. Donations gratefully accepted at the link provided below. We are grateful to be able to gather in creative community to connect, share, and witness each other's images and work.
with Kathleen
Online via Zoom
April 12th and 26th
1pm-4pm EDT
Join our creative circle of support; begin with a guided meditation focused on self-compassion and move into 2+ hours of open creative time. During the last half hour we witness and share. Join from wherever you are in the world.
with Tamara
Online via Zoom
April 13th and 27th
10am-1pm EDT
Join us via Zoom to gather in creative community. We will continue to evaluate current health and safety recommendations and will update you when we are able to safely return to an in-person studio. Drop in via Zoom, Relax, and have fun- bring a project you are working on, or start something new.
Complimentary Creative Resources
Our Gift to You
We offer these gifts to you in service of your expressive arts journey and practice and hope that you enjoy the process of discovering what lies within your own creative life. We welcome you to share in Your Personal Expressive Arts Practice Facebook group, if you like. Creating and being witnessed is powerful medicine!
Telehealth and in-person
Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, REACE, NCC, MHC Intern
Expressive arts therapy is a multimodal, holistic approach to counseling. It acknowledges the complexity of human experience by facilitating the client in exploring all aspects of the self, by inquiring through the imagination and the body about subjective experience, and expanding the play space to allow for new possibilities and shifts in consciousness that lead to desired changes in one’s
life. More
Through workshops, programs, certificate training, and therapy Expressive Arts Florida Institute empowers individuals, groups and communities by cultivating the creative wisdom inherent in all.
We are proud to be an Organizational Member
We look forward to seeing you!
Kathleen,Tamara, Victoria
- Kathleen Horne, MA, LMHC, REACE, REAT
- Tamara Teeter Knapp, MA, MHC Intern, NCC, K-12 Art, REACE
- Victoria Domenichello-Anderson, MA, REACE